Statement from Transfrigoroute International on the Mobility Package compromise
The focus now is on the transition towards sustainability while protecting all drivers
"Transfrigoroute International welcomes the final vote by the European Parliament on the compromise over the Mobility Package.
Transfrigoroute would now like to request the European Commission to deliver on the next steps, particularly on the delegated act for safe and secure truck parking areas.
Transfrigoroute has voiced many times the acute need for a better infrastructure, not only in terms of safety and sanitary conditions for our drivers, but also for the immediate environmental improvements.
All our refrigeration equipment must be considered as we progressively move towards more electrification. Keeping the cold chain intact while parking is fundamental, and we should be able to do so using electricity from the grid, turning off the diesel engines whenever possible.
René Moeijes, President of TI, says: “the temperature-controlled transport sector will continue to play its part in the efforts towards a greener and increased sustainable Union. However, the EU and Member States must take action to reduce the economic impact of the crisis and provide certainty to operators and suppliers”.
“The temperature-controlled transport sector has demonstrated how invaluable it is for our society during the pandemic, despite risks to drivers, operators and border closures. We maintained a constant food supply across many regions and kept hospitals stocked with essential medicines. We will continue to serve all EU citizens, but we ask that the special needs of our sector are recognised as we all embrace changing environmental regulations.”
“We would like to see, in the EU Strategy for sustainable mobility, more harmonisation on definitions and criteria for zero- and low-emission zones in urban areas across Europe, as the current patchwork of regulations is clearly not fit for purpose”, René Moeijes emphasized."
The focus now is on the transition towards sustainability while protecting all drivers
"Transfrigoroute International welcomes the final vote by the European Parliament on the compromise over the Mobility Package.
Transfrigoroute would now like to request the European Commission to deliver on the next steps, particularly on the delegated act for safe and secure truck parking areas.
Transfrigoroute has voiced many times the acute need for a better infrastructure, not only in terms of safety and sanitary conditions for our drivers, but also for the immediate environmental improvements.
All our refrigeration equipment must be considered as we progressively move towards more electrification. Keeping the cold chain intact while parking is fundamental, and we should be able to do so using electricity from the grid, turning off the diesel engines whenever possible.
René Moeijes, President of TI, says: “the temperature-controlled transport sector will continue to play its part in the efforts towards a greener and increased sustainable Union. However, the EU and Member States must take action to reduce the economic impact of the crisis and provide certainty to operators and suppliers”.
“The temperature-controlled transport sector has demonstrated how invaluable it is for our society during the pandemic, despite risks to drivers, operators and border closures. We maintained a constant food supply across many regions and kept hospitals stocked with essential medicines. We will continue to serve all EU citizens, but we ask that the special needs of our sector are recognised as we all embrace changing environmental regulations.”
“We would like to see, in the EU Strategy for sustainable mobility, more harmonisation on definitions and criteria for zero- and low-emission zones in urban areas across Europe, as the current patchwork of regulations is clearly not fit for purpose”, René Moeijes emphasized."
Established in 1955, Transfrigoroute International is the only specialist independent umbrella association for the temperature-controlled road transport industry at the European Union level. Connect with us on Twitter @Transfrigoroute or reach out for the latest on refrigerated land transport. For more information: transfrigoroute.eu